At last true Winter sets in.
the end of the world
or something more Eternal
crushed beneath the soles of a fine line
called surrender.
walk the taut-pulled wire with
your eyes, both of them,
to the quiet fury of the moon
beneath the sun, often forgotten
her begrudged magic whispers of
the reasons which you brand
destruction is simply but another
artwork, alive,
the prize of Love
Love, you need not spit on
nor understand the shadows of
Surrender to the death,
the purity of emptiness
the knowing that we are all cages
housing the light
of Nothing, everything
rolled up in bags of bones.
there is no closure, here, in the marrow
suck out the crystallized cells,
tongue and teeth no pity,
feed on the essence of bereavement and
warm the skeleton that dances and cries so boldly
if only you'll allow it
the bliss of Winter.