Day 15
Dip into Dreams
Remembering to forget, forgetting to remember
I remember so many nights
desire to spin, hands clasped
before vertigo- then fulfillment upon falling to the grass,
dizzy and spent
only october and I'm already thinking tree of lights
supposedly when you dream you're falling-
when you can literally feel the pull of gravity,the encompassing release, the drop of your stomach-
your soul temporarily leaves your body in the midst of sleep
astro-projection, of sorts
perhaps that's why at certain times in my life more than others,
I dream constantly of fallingbecause my soul aches, fiercely, for liberation.
memories that look a lot like me
taped up around a hollowed out creation
and inside, a lightbox of colors, reflectors, broken glass
beautifully whole in its scatterbrained debris
swirling, ethereal/a little delusional
christmas lights in the touchable, audible distance (tipsy squeals)that's the ticket. a carnival moodtake me there, i'll light up the night for youi want you marinate in them with methose strange, welcoming city colors, bits of childhood nostalgiaall twisted and crispy toasted brown
something deep fried dirty to perfection
with sprinklings of sweet, white puritylike a funnel cake.
more savory when fleeting
like sexy snowcone abandonment
something deliciously saccharine & refreshing
that longs for freedom
sweet enough to not be selfish,
it allows itself, for a few minutes, to be eaten
then it jumps from between what seemed a safe grip
to land among the dirt of the earth
where, although nothing like its surroundings
it finds happiness.
(a splash of succulent among the drab monotones)
Day 16
Know your Onion
It is a moon wrapped in brown paper.
It promises light like the careful undressing of love.

It is believed the onion originally came from India. In Egypt it was an object of worship. From Egypt the onion entered Greece and on to Italy, thence into all of Europe.
In the Eden of my eternal autumn midnight garden:
The consummate wild onion grows,
extending its vines of love up the walls of the deepest parts
of my spirit.
When I think how far the onion has traveled
just to enter my stew today,
I could kneel and praise all small forgotten miracles,
excitedly and gently peeling the crackly paper,
bounty after bounty is offered me.
Pearly layers in smooth agreement,
mantle upon mantle of perfect, zesty wilderness
revealing bits of fascinating history and depth that knows no perimeters.
And I would never scold the onion for causing tears.
It is right that tears fall for something so noble
but taken for granted, forgotten.
How at meals, we sit to eat,commenting on texture of meat or herbal aroma
but never on the translucence of onion,
now soft, now divided,
or its traditionally honorable career:
For the sake of others, disappears.
Onion, luminous flask, your beauty formed
petal by petal,
crystal scales expanded you
and in the secrecy of the dark earth
your belly grew round with dew.
Under the earth the miracle happened,
and when your clumsy green stem appeared,
your leaves were born like swords in the garden,
the earth heaped up her power
showing your naked transparency,
and as the remote sea in lifting the breasts of Aphrodite
duplicated the magnolia,
so did the earth make you,onion,
clear as a planet,
and destined to shine,
constant constellation,
round rose of water,
upon the table of the poor.
Generously you undo your globe of freshness
in the fervent consummation of the cooking pot,
and the crystal shred in the flaming heat of the oil is
transformed into a curled golden feather.
Then, too, I will recall how fertile is your influence on the love of the salad,
and it seems that the sky contributes
by giving you the shape of hailstones
to celebrate your chopped brightness
on the hemispheres of a tomato.
But within reach of the hands of the people,
sprinkled with oil,
dusted with a bit of salt,
you kill the hunger of the day-laborer on his hard path.
Fairy godmother wrapped in delicate papyrus,
you rise from the ground
eternal, whole, pure
like an astral seed,
and when the kitchen knife cuts you, there arises the only tear without sorrow.
You make us cry without hurting us.
I have praised everything that exists,
but to me, onion, you are more beautiful
than a bird of dazzling feathers
you are to my eyes a heavenly globe,
a platinum goblet,
an unmoving dance of the snowy anemone
and the fragrance of the earth lives in your crystalline nature.
Dear Onion:
Your fierce kiss will stay on my lips,
loyally lingering and faithful as we are,
for as long as we are.
Your scent will cling to my fingers,
cleansing my eyes with tears
like a lover.
The white blooms of your floral head
scatter seeds of change and joy,
blossoming bright across my starry eyes
and bringing peace like arms of a mother.
Our skin is just a cover up for the land where none dare go,
an internal inferno, the anathema of anatomy.
In an onion there's only onion,
from its tip to its toe,
onionymous monomania,
unanimous omninudity.
We hold veins, nerves, organs, fat
For us, our skin is merely a mask
But the onion does not realize its own courageousness
(lion among men)
For it bears no camouflage
Inch by inch, between the endless tiers
(exploration is shameless)
it is purely Onion
a quiet, gentle giant
that will live far beyond three hundred years.
Nature's roundest tummy, its greatest success story,the onion drapes itself in its own aureoles of glory.
And I find no coincidence in the fact
that I used to loathe the taste, fear it
and not too long ago- a shift in the path
now I savor, with endless relish, the poignance
especially raw and crisp, stimulating the entirety of my health
the powerful taste of mother nature herself.
Day 17
Pacing a faceless maw somewhere vague
the crawl space is a place for rubber chickens
in a lime wig and non taped nerd kit glasses.
my fake tattoo sleeve is sweaty and i'm hoping for a miracle,a recipe for success in the racks of vintage and burlesque,some pretty piece of puzzle.weird feelings build and flux like bloody, melting childhood mountains
rainbow majesty in overture.
gone again and i'm craving a silk caress across this heated skin,like my mustard gold venice scarfa simple stroke for us odd dreamer folk.
black tea, iced and sweating/suits me
and my thoughts sound like seasonal flavors
and those little pumpkin buckets we used to hang from tree branches.beneath there is an achingi have no name for this
distraction is the exotic birth of instant gratificationand it is an embraced given that fall brings such things,
occult happenings
the full moon the night prior is a reminder
purple glitter batter underground of batting lashes
beaded secrets in the bathroom,
blue painted eyes that sparkle with red label
and i'm frightened, sensing the nervous sickness in his absence
and simultaneously craving the bareness
that only i know exists underneath the orange-yellow-browns
she photographs my profile beneath the grayscale polka dotted strawmismatched greenblue polka germany sweater and alland i can almost recall a time
when all the trees wrapped me in vagary thingsreminders of a true, unadulterated freedom in overhang form
like a beloved shadow that momentarily frightens you,
and then becomes a comfort constant.his voice is my smile in skin softening vanilla waterand i can almost imagine he is beside me,climbing, slipping, sliding, delving, soakinggleeful laughter a bittersweet symphony
as the colorful sugar palisade avalanche buries us,
we are immortal on our playground.(and if the flames take you out,i'll go down toobut only after grabbing some ashes,taking them to the garden,baptizing the seeds-to-fruit,and eating some of you.the perfect last meal.)
Day 18
A second dip
Too beautiful to be a junebug
so instead, i'll be your firefly
guarding your bed & lighting the way so your nightmares can
swiftly find their way out the door each night.
without his hands, it took ten minutes.
at midnight
unzipped boots walk to the entrance of a begrudgingly open gas station
and i can't stop wishing for a change in scenery
but i cannot seem to discern the voice that beseeches me.
each morning i wake up smelling different
of temples,
rainforest canopies,
north winds and the crystal salts of deep sea,
open fields and mountain crossings,
foreign city smog and faraway beds
in each dream, one thing remains the same
i wed life,
walking an aisle of fallen soldiers in orange, yellows, and reds

it remains both life savior and silent killer- this dreamworld
bringing to us every buried or known fear, memory, longing, pain
celebrations of hauntings and visionaries
the most intense and intimate catharsis is through incubus
moment upon moment frozen,
as we subconsciously simmer in brain narcotics
organic waves of chemicals
and i will come find you,
every night if I have to to
make sure you are not on your back
and to practice my schlitterbahn skills
if you start to choke and suffocate in the depths of colored black
(that's what dreams remind me of. those papers we would color as kids, that were an assortment of crayon rainbows, colored over by all black. you had to scratch at the murk, chipping it away, to form a pretty, vibrant picture in the darkness)
don't worry about your closed eyelids, lover
you keep on purging,
i'll be sure to keep you breathing.