Monday, October 20, 2008


Day 19

you are my green
naturally, inherently vibrant
lush, fresh, deeply serene
and perceived, by my eyes, better than all other colors
1000 guitars smashed across the surface,
when the disfigured face of the world rears its head
you see, instead,
pretty paint that softly coats the surface,
covering the ugliness, now forgotten
seeping into brambly, thorned edges
until only fleecy beauty remains
awakening to a vanilla cream spice dessert tea kiss
a delicacy that brings warmth into the crevices
like an old friend's forgiveness.

Day 20

she sends out armies of syllables
recalling weakness and darker times
like a winter cloud,
poignantly beautiful and diplomatic
she doesn't see her own strength
her hair, at night, caught
in shadow like so many threads (memories of fraying)
running through a waterfall,
weaves the frivolous air until,
at daybreak, above a deadfall
of flies' wings clustered
in the corner of a room,
you push it
away from your eyes.
and then like a
fresh breath exchange on a december morning,
you rise.
steam like pain, evaporating-
which is blending with oxygen,
melding but never forgetting
there is always an imprinted memory-
the existence of moisture
a sweat beaded brow,
submission to a mission
you thought you had a say so in,
but didn't.
the artistry
you once saw in the symmetry,
beats a hasty retreat,
leaving you
with a stigma you can't give back.
but the voice from within your chest
resonates, holds no lack
of cultivation
vibrates forward tenaciously
and binds sensation
into the waves
of juncture.

flashes of green light strike the lightning rod
and it receives them eagerly,
shuddering under the vigor
of nature's nerve impulses,
electric, somehow both possessing
the sheer, ephemeral beauty of fleeting
and the penetration of longevity.

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