Tuesday, January 27, 2009


and when the fog finally clears,
a pretty piece of shine will spin new webs of luminescence here
the grass beneath the castles
of glittering glass, blackberry windowpanes, and smoke
soaks up the haze,
inhaling and becoming
simultaneously something that is
a sum much more than itself.

suggestion to self: skip temptations of naps more often-
keep on trudging through the thick sludge
of a day that drags souls through
mud-like prisms
of a time when every cloud had reason
and a fluff to rival homesweethome.

hey there, little red riding hood
i could have sworn i have already met you,
but coated in slime from the belly of the beast
left you a tad more unrecognizable
a world of restitution, cynics, and sugar addictions
ain't got nothin on you, anyway.
fallen off the path to chase butterflies;
pick poinsettas
gleaming, unfurling..
in the dark wilderness for g'ma
there is a beauty in your mistake,
and redemption belongs beyond rebellion
regardless of what tune
you're humming as you stroll along.

i knew better when i spit it out,
a new time, a new ride.
and i was surprised at my own spirit
this time.

two hours of sleep and i still woke up before my alarm,
at exactly 5:27
remembering the delicious oddities of my dreams,
catching myself mid REM drooling
and how exhilarating
not to mention refreshing
to know a time is coming,
horizon glowing/child within roaming wild
once again,
back in business.

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