Monday, May 3, 2010

Blank Pages

I am so tired of this carcass.
These plain slates and
Broken thoughts,
Scribbled as pounding voices and
Heated like microwaved lasagna,
only to become chewy. Old.

Lately I drink paper instead of tea,
sleep against hormonal imbalances
Instead of a strong back,
White light of computer screen
sheltering me.

My skin is dry and cracking.
I am so needy for nothing.
Hungry on empty,
for a deadpan quiet
Instead of glazed expressions.

Mouths tight and closed
Because it's harder to keep the space,
but easier to breathe the stench of silence.

Such a risk, the truth we say we seek out
The confrontation of
like the tremor of some wooden ladder.
Hollow steps toward the sky.

Blank pages of stretched skin
with veins like margins,
Blank pages speak to me.
Louder than fire alarms and
the fear of spreading earthquakes,
Louder because I am a coward.

Into the oven like Sylvia Plath,
Mountains of cookies and
Blackened pans,
Ignoring that wretched howl within.

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