Sunday, August 29, 2010

The lightweight

Sometimes my silence is mistaken
for a stodgy sort of temper,
a wary and guarded distance held
a tractable detachment
And even to myself
I appear [then become] disinteresting,
A bore
and my,
Such sullen distaste have i
But I am all or nothing
once you crack that lining,
I am more than something
or so easily defined
My tally is a jolted scribble
ribbon slash of passion across
a page that becomes your canvas,
my mark stands wild and strong
apart from all those silly patterns of
rigid lines
When you strip me out
of those stifling bits
necessitated and contextual,
try me on as naked
wash the earth full smudges from
my face
From beneath I reach out
and startle you
I strike you down hard
to a place where my comprehensive
silence reigns
[and] for the briefest of instants
I swallow you into me
and all that Creation
is transparent,


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