Monday, September 20, 2010

Bright-Eyed Night

I once knew a man
Who had nothing and did not care,
What he wanted
Was all he felt,
And by the dusty streetlamp light
That filtered through his blinds
At night
I loved everything he was,
I loved him because I thought
Him to be powerful,
One man deep he laid me down
And showed me I was a woman.

Those days my eyes were
So full of needles, So full
Out of focus and foolish but
And he folded his body
Above mine like clockwork,
Hot eager leaves
Spread wide and holding
Hands moving fast.

Wishful thinking did not
Yet exist, I was too
Giving myself away
In the night on an armchair
With a cigarette
And a taste for excess.

He, always staggered by
His own luxuriance and
I, never for lack of youthful fervor
And desire,
The desire in my pores dripped
And slithered
Off my skin to soak into
And all I remembered,
For so long was the heat.

It burned away the ache of day,
Those nights,
They paused
The relentless march of age,
Of Reality.

Soon the heat turned to steam and
Burned off everything.
Burned off us both like blisters,
Little flakes, falling away.
I woke up one gray morning,
Makeup still applied and smeared wide
From sex
I crawled onto the cold tiles
Of his bathroom while he slept,
I looked at the tequila bottle
With its missing cap
And mocking shine
And I knew he was not strong.
I cried and I knew I was weak,
That I was far too young
Too young to want to grow up
So fast,
So fast by his pudgy hands.

I wanted to grow older
Through believing strength was
Loving yourself so much,
You did not care about wanting,
You just felt whatever you
Wanted to feel.

Too young.
Too young to think
I knew shit about
Too young to be "strong,"
Because I wanted everything.

And on this night
I have nothing,
But I do care.
And I know now more so than ever
What it means to love,
To grieve
To grieve for the grieving,
But still I am weak

Because on nights like these
Still I envy that man,
I envy him for having no excuses
For his weakness,
For not knowing better,
I am so much more than that
Yet I continue to ache.

These nights the heat has fled

Age has finally caught me,
And In my bed are
One thousand
Emptied bodies
With hollow eyes once bright,
Waiting for the flesh to be picked
From their cracking decrepit

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