Wednesday, November 17, 2010

by the knife

help, i'm alive.
I'm still alive in here.
I want out.

this suburban war beats hotter
when the weather turns its cheek
something unspeakable
and we've started a war
neither of us can win.
so I stumble
only the wall here to
catch my drift
can you hear it beating? crumbling.
like (beneath) a hammer.
my liver is crawling with
the toxins of a past
holding tight enough to choke,
but it's okay.
It's okay.
lack of breath keeps me going.
the hard-edged touch
of my own hand,
not the caress of another
to bother with now, never.
the distance is nothing new,
me and you
we got this down just right
tight and tighter
until it snaps and we
fall away. apart.
the insatiable needs
crawl inside me and vomit
stale pleas,
mutual self-destruction at best
and now i select my future
from a pile of dusty closet cards
that remind me of false hope.
false prophets that smell like
my father
and run faster
than these dry eyes can blink.
the puppy sleeps and inside
inside i am screaming for nothing,
just screaming to hear myself
make noise
so i know
i am still alive.
we swallow hard such harsh words
and i never told you but
that night
i was testing your heartbeat
by the knife.

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